Thursday, June 23, 2016

Strafing Zuma - 06.23.2016...

Dateline: Thursday morning, June 23, 2016, after breakfast at Pt. Dume, my mom (riding shotgun) and I drove up to Zuma Lifeguard Headquarters to check out the surf...   Here are the photos plus a video, along the way there as we drove up from Central Section along PCH...

Welcome to Malibu!...  First time I've seen "The Rhino" sculpture at PCH and Webb Way... which was apparently installed as a temporary art exhibit very recently in mid-June... Here is an excerpt from one article online posted on Santa Monica Mirror, including the linked story, that tells about this sculpture:

"...Beginning mid-June, Malibu-based Funny Zoo, will be placing life-sized wildlife animal sculptures around Los Angeles, from Venice and Malibu to Beverly Hills and Hollywood to call attention to endangered wildlife and the environment..."

Approaching Corral Beach...

There's surf breaking at Paradise Cove in the distance... check it out!...

 Arrival at ZUMA Lifeguard HQ...

Overnite the high tide plus the swell carried on into the parking lot (aka, Village)!...

Zuma Team Utah is back!...  Ed Heinrich told us he woke up in the middle of the nite and hopped out of his van and stepped in water..... from the ocean!...

Check out the surf below off of Zuma Tower 5!...

 And then we noticed veteran LACo OL, Dick Heinrich, sitting in his truck in the village and he mentioned that he had looked at the swell, the lateral current and the rips... and decided that he was not going to swim it alone and opted for an alternative workout for the day.  Good Plan... as you all will soon see..... keep reading.....

Meanwhile out front of Zuma HQ, we later realize that that is none other than OL Tommie Doman, Jr. standing on the sand checking out the swell, rips, and lateral currents... since he was going to open Tower 300 out front thereof!...   I'll bet he had some fun today!...

And about ten minutes later Tommie had just opened up 300 to start his shift...

We then poked our nose in upstairs at Zuma HQ and said hi to Capt. Simon Snyder, OLS Kevin Williams and OLS Tony Johnston... and then really got a good look at the Ginormous rip and lateral current directly out front!  Kevin explained that "that rip and lateral" was nothing compared to what they've seen on other days... In fact, both Tony and Kevin agreed that this rip was "elementary school" compared to some even bigger days!  :-)  Which is saying A LOT because this lateral current (see video below) was absolutely hoovering toward Trancas!  It makes the SMS Tower #26 monster rip and rescue blitz (which we blogged about recently) of last Saturday look like child's play.  Just sayin'...  And then Kevin showed us a short sped up version of the rip out front of Zuma HQ yesterday, 06.22.2016:

*** Video Alert ! ***

"Zuma Rip - 06.22.2016: The Video"  (Copyright Kevin E. Williams 2016. All Rights Reserved. Used here with permission).

OLS Kevin Williams on the switchboard at Zuma HQ...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Zuma HQ Lateral Current & Rip: The Video  (Video © Will Maguire 06.23.2016).

.... and then we exited Zuma and drove out to Pt. Dume Station before heading back to Central Section...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos & video by and Copyright Will Maguire 2016, unless otherwise indicated.)

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