Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The Revised Foot Bucket Protocol...

Dateline: Wednesday morning, June 8, 2016 along Santa Monica South at Tower #20... we learn from Veteran LACo OL, Ricardo Monroy, that he has upped his foot bucket game and revised his technique!  Read on if you are glued to your seat with anticipation.....

*** Video Alert ! ***

Ricardo Monroy's Revised Foot Bucket Protocol: The Video

... more of these medical mj containers are showing up and being left behind in the sand...

Below, on duty/on deck, L2R, at SMS Tower #26, OLS Alex Vicente and Capt. Brent Katzer...

Chilling on the sand an hour before his shift today at SMS Tower #24 is Veteran LACo OL, Brandon Snell...

A couple of crows checking out the road, er, sand kill...

Don't forget to wear sunscreen!...

*** Video Alert ! ***

SMPD Helicopter Fly By Over Santa Monica Pier: The Video


Tower supplies... it must be Summer!...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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