Saturday, June 4, 2016

Academy Class #2, 2016 LACoFD Rookie School: The Audit...

Dateline: Saturday afternoon at CSHQ, June 4th, 2016... we stumbled upon Day 6 of 9 of the second academy class of the LACoFD Ocean Lifeguard Rookie Training.  All we had in mind to begin with was stopping by to drop off a plate of gooey fries from CHEGO in Chinatown in Downtown Los Angeles (DTLA) after our rail trip on the new Metro Line from Santa Monica to DTLA and back...

So seeing as how the rookies were at CSHQ we took advantage of this opportunity and shot a bunch of photos and some videos and even broke out our telephoto lens!...

Here ya go!...

Full house of cars parked at CSHQ below...

Rookie School, Academy #2 classroom set up in the garage at CSHQ!...

This rookie definitely has the best and most legible printing skills!  Just sayin'...

Rookie gear...

Excellent stickering on that Igloo cooler below.  This is worth extra merits points in the opinion of the Editor of this blog...

And the rookie below has a keen sense of branding and trademarks, as well as some fine stickering on his cooler too and will go far as an ocean lifeguard!

 Meanwhile upstairs at CSHQ...

On the beach out front of SMS Tower #16 we find veteran LACo-Zuma OL, Tommie Doman, Jr., working as a rookie school instructor.

Tommie working with a rookie below...

Outgunned again!...  Veteran LACo OL, Pono Barnes, shooting photos for the Dept...

Below, the real deal!... Veteran OL, George Akopyan, on duty at SMS Tower #16!...

Below, a close up of a couple of rookies doing an excellent job of waving their rescue cans to enhance their visibility...

 A close up, below, of a great teaching moment, with several rookies and Capt. Josh Rosenstein...

Below, we captured a photo of LACoFD Photographer, Alex, and we think it turned out Great!

Below, Capt. Josh Rosenstein, waving over some more Rookies for a learning opportunity...

OL Dave Walters, on duty, at SMS Tower 17, below...

And then we walked back to CSHQ and checked in again with the upstairs on duty staff...

Meanwhile, the rookies gathered together behind SMS Tower #16... so we took some telephoto shots and two videos from the balcony upstairs at CSHQ...

And we can see that Rookie #19 at left below looking to the right has got a big smile on her face and is having fun which is a real pleasure to see...

*** Video Alert ! ***

•  Video #1: 2016 Rookie Academy Class #2 at CSHQ

•  Video #2: 2016 Rookie Academy Class #2 at CSHQ


Last but not least, we leave you with the following gem of a photo... which I took just as we were leaving the beach to go back upstairs at CSHQ.  Our intent was to get a shot of the graphitti on the front of SMS Tower #16 of a small fish... but when we got home and checked out this photo more closely we realized we had also captured a partial profile of ever vigilant OL George Akopyan, on duty at said Tower #16, who had noticed something (my camera) in his peripheral vision reaching through the ramp rails.....  Well done, George!  :-)

... and then we ducked out and headed back to where we started this morning at 4th and Wilshire before our Metro Rail trip to DTLA...



Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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