Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Recheck 2016 √

Dateline: Tuesday morning, June 14, 2016 at the Training Center in Manhattan Beach, Calif...

0600 hrs:  Randy's Donuts √

0606 hrs.... en route to Training Center... follow that truck!...

0630 hrs: Training Center √

Camera shy recurrent at right, below...

Hey Larry!  Dude!  He must start at 0600 hrs!...

OL Training Center Recheck crew... L2R: Ben, Chris and Jordan...

Double duty for Ben...

OLS Eric Wylie in the dress blues below previewing some of the audio visual material...

Recurrents filing in for the recheck...

Head of the JG Program, OLS Jeff Little, below...  he needs more instructors!...

Could someone please help this veteran LACo OL fill out his paperwork...

Mug shot being taken of OL Benji Garcia by OL Pono Barnes, the digital file of which will be copied to the USPS...

Mug shot of Benji's brother, Sebastian also completed... he's in college, he's ok...

OLS Eric Wylie discussing the day's schedule with his recheck instructors...

0700 hrs... : Recheck begins...

OLS Eric Wylie's introductory remarks...

I could see the screen till this dude showed up!...   :-)

The dude on the left below answered the question on the screen, "Pretty good, I'd say"!...

Chief Chris Linkletter, below, drops by during a class break...

Recurrents waiting to be sent out to testing areas...  In the background at far right is Dr. (not Mrs)
Didinger, M.D.!

Larry and Elizabeth in Admin at the Training Center, below...

OL Ben Gottlieb, a recheck instructor at the testing area for infant and adult CPR, etc.

LACo Ocean Lifeguards waiting to be tested on CPR, etc.

LACoFD Lifeguard Operations Chief Moseley at his desk...

Lightning Bob Kilroy, below, the same dude blocking my view of the screen earlier...

Below, OL Sean Lane, booked it from NYC overnite to make it to his recheck and will catch a flight back in another day to go back to NYC before heading back to work the beach in August...

The Chief's Message... followed by introductions around the room by the OL's in attendance...
Some factoids communicated by the Chief included:
• more rescues made in 2015 - 2016 than even the record breaking year before!
• OLS Eric Wylie got married!...
•  New uniforms for our female ocean lifeguards will be available.
•  New long sleeve sun protective shirts are available in the section lockers for $20.
•  Don't drink and drive... 3 Ocean Lifeguards got DUI's in the past 3 months...
•  20 percent of our Ocean Lifeguard staff is devoted to the JG Program and the JG program
still needs more staff!...

Below, OL Benji Garcia explains that he has been 'Chillin' in the off season...

And there were four (4) Finks in the room!  Four Ocean Lifeguards in the Fink Family!  Awesome!
Dad, Tom, explained that he has been waiting 20 years for this day when all three of his sons would take the recheck with him!  Well done, Tom!  

Fortunately, the OL below in the long sleeve white on duty shirt asked a question about the JG Program and apparently according to Chief Moseley he is the only OL to date in the rechecks to ask a follow up question about the JG program, which Moseley mentioned and he was immediately brought to the attention of OLS Jeff Little to be drafted into the program as an instructor!  Tough luck for ZUMA!

With introductions around the room completed, it was time for the annual recheck swim!... as communicated by OL Recheck Instructor, Jordan Stephens, below

Photo of actual recheck swim course below. Note the parallel orange buoys either side of the 26th St. tower...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Recheck 2016 Buoy Swim Course: The Video


OL's heading to the beach for the swim...

And, below, there goes LACo OLS Jeff Hart on patrol along Manhattan Beach..

After the swim was completed, the group broke up into two different beach/water scenario drills.  On the soft sand, the scenario was a course on extracting someone from a collapsed tunnel or the like...

The second scenario concerned the proper use of the rescue board...

And then it was back indoors for a few follow up remarks and where we took the opportunity to hunt down all four of the Fink family of Ocean Lifeguards...  L2R: Kevin, Matt, Tom (aka, Dad), and Patrick.

and then we got the two Garcia brothers in on a group photo opp with the Finks...

Below, Veteran OL Sean Nollan, at center in the white polo shirt, looking for the pen he borrowed from the undersigned over and over and over...   :-)

collection of the final paperwork, below...

... and then it was time to hit the road right behind this guy ahead of us who has been a LACo ocean lifeguard since 1970.  Well done, Sandy Sandler!    Recheck completed √...

And as we turned the corner on our way out, we noticed... Three Chiefs gathered in Chief Moseley's office...  L2R: Section Chief Adam Uehara, Chief Moseley (seated/hidden), and Section Chief Fernando Boiteux.


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and video by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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