Sunday, June 19, 2016

2016 LACoFD Ocean Lifeguard Graduation...

Dateline: Dockweiler Youth Center (DYC), Saturday morning, June 18, 2016...

... on the road to DYC we pass Dockweiler Lifeguard HQ below...

Dockweiler Youth Center at center of frame below...

Arrival at DYC!...

Gatekeeper/Parking Pass Dude, LACo OL Vince Fiamengo, below...

Academy 1 group photo...

Academy 1 rookies at ease, below...

Below, Academy 2 group photo...

***  Video Alert !  ***

Rookies At Ease: The Video

*** Video Alert ! ***

•  We Chose The Best: The Video

•  Chief Osby Excerpted Remarks: The Video

Below, Capt. Kyle Power introduces the graduates of Academy 1 in alphabetical order...

Below, legacy/2nd generation Ocean Lifeguard, Shane Brouwer, receives his Certificate of Completion from Chief Osby...

Below, OL Kelsey Cummings receives her Certificate of Completion...

In the next two consecutive photos, the two Herrera brothers receive their Certificate of Completion...

Below, Congratulations to OL Dempsey Haynosch!

Below, another Jacobson becomes a LACo Ocean Lifeguard.  Well done, Andrew!

Below, LACoFD Lifeguard Operations now has a Senator as an Ocean Lifeguard.... Zach Senator, that is!...

... and next up, the introductions in alphabetical order of the Academy 2 graduates...

Below, the Fan Club of Rookie Trevor Leon cheer the calling of his name...

Below, Rookie Trevor Leon receives his Certificate of Completion!...

Below, the final and 43rd Rookie, in alphabetical order, to receive his Certificate of Completion...

Individual Awards presented to Academy 1 Candidates...

Below, OL Kelsey Cummings walks forward to receive the HIGH POINT award for Academy 1.  Well done, Kelsey!

Academy 2 Individual Award Winners, below...

LACoFD Ocean Lifeguard Specialists and OL's responding to an incident on Dockweiler during the graduation ceremonies...

Below, Academy 1 Gift to the Training Center...

Below, Academy 2 Gift to the Training Center...

The ceremonies conclude... time to celebrate with family and friends...

A classic photo opp below captures Just graduated ROOKIE, Shane Brouwer, with Section Chief, Erik Albertson... meanwhile in the background... OL Vince Fiamengo tries to slip out of range with his second donut...

Graduation Cake!... On this day the rookies could have their cake and eat it too!...

Congratulations to all our new Rookies!... Well done!


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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