Monday, June 20, 2016

From Graduation Ceremony to SMS Tower #25 Making Multiple Rescues.....

Wow!...  Get this!  This is a sensational story!  

Saturday, June 18, 2016, 0900 hrs at the Dockweiler Youth Center... Masury Lynch graduates and becomes a full fledged LACoFD Ocean Lifeguard, albeit, a Rookie.  Shown below is Masury, the tallest, at the center of the group of seven lady rookies to graduate in 2016!

And here she is receiving her Certificate of Completion at approx. 1000 hrs...

A couple of hours later she is on duty at Santa Monica South Tower #25... she is there by either noon or 1 pm at the latest because from Tower #27, I observed four (4) combined guards from Tower #26 and #25 make multiple rescues in the reoccurring rip off of Tower #26 and she was one of them.  We separately blogged about this same day along Santa Monica South, as follows:

Here is a shot of the same rip earlier in the afternoon off of SMS Tower #26 when there weren't as many people caught up in it and after the guards there had cleared it, with one of our Baywatch rescue boats patrolling by afterwards, though the rip was still pulling strong as the photo below clearly shows at right of frame in the distance (as seen from Tower #27)...

One of these multiple rescue sequences involved a blitz rescue of upwards of 10 + swimmers caught up in the Tower #26 rip at mid-afternoon... I know because I ran down from Tower #27 and made a rescue myself. It was then that I noticed the female lifeguard and she looked familiar... I remember thinking she sure looked like one of the rookies that graduated that very morning!   Turns out it was her!  This was confirmed this morning when I was on a workout and stopped by SMS Tower #26 and spoke to OL Chris Newman and asked him to check the logbook for the name of the OL who worked SMS Tower #25 this past Saturday and he said the logbook showed, "M. Lynch"... the same name appears as one of the graduating rookies from Academy 2 (see below).

This still developing story is going to require us to follow up with Capt. Dan Murphy and OLS/Paramedic Steve Sturdivant for more detail.

UPDATE:  Well, Folks, we got in touch with Dan Murphy and we learned a bit about Rookie Lynch's background...  she has a strong background in lifesaving. She was a JG and Cadet at Santa Monica South. After not getting past the Swim Test the first time she tried out, she worked for LA City Lifeguards. She tried out for us again and made it through this past year. Her previous experience showed on Saturday. She was charging all day. (*** And many thanks to Capt. Dan Murphy for his follow up).

Indeed, young Masury had quite a day this past Saturday!

Can't help but be enthusiastic and supportive of our youngest and newest ocean lifeguards who are carrying on the mission of saving lives.


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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