Sunday, April 24, 2016

Saturday Afternoon Along Santa Monica South...

Dateline: Santa Monica South, Saturday, April 23, 2016... just past 12 noon.....

We took an off duty foot patrol from CSHQ to SMS Tower #28 and back and here is what we saw along the way.....

Never cash a BAD CZECH...

Hey Newmie!...  (aka, son of Newmie)

Livin' the dream at Tower #20...

"Chuck's Office"... for the day (Tower #24)

Below, Victory At Sea...

***  Video Alert ! ***

Victory At Sea: The Video

comment:  the large yacht heading directly toward shore in this video did, in fact, make a hard turn to starboard about 500 yards off shore and continued their approach to MDR... much to the relief of OLS Mike Murphy at SMS Tower #26 when we stopped by just after this video was taken out front of SMS Tower #25...

Hey Jude!...

On our way back to CSHQ we checked out the college ladies beach volleyball tournament behind Tower #24...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and video by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

p.s.   A couple of South Beach/Ocean Park shots as we headed to Hermosa Beach.....

SMS Tower #24... thru the trees

Cruisin' the hood... (x-ref: OP26)

***   ***   ***   ***   ***

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