Sunday, April 24, 2016

McDonald + Merrigan = R E T I R E D

Dateline:  Hermosa Beach Kiwanis Club, 1800 hr - 2200 hrs...
Occasion:  Retirement Dinner for Capt. Jim McDonald and OLS Brian Merrigan
Re:  The Photos and Videos...

What an evening!  Lifeguards, family, friends, good grub and beverages, stories, in fact, lots of stories and even more smiles!...

And so we begin.....

*** Video Alert ! ***

The Retirement Gift: The Video

*** Video Alert ! ***

Retirement Presentations & Toasts: The Video

*** Video Alert ! ***

Cigars & Chatter: The Video    


Congratulations to both Jim and Brian on their well deserved retirement!...  

Happy Trails!...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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