Friday, March 11, 2016

Strafing Zuma...

Dateline: Friday morning, March 11, 2016.....

This morning we conducted a reconnaissance of Northern Section, particularly with respect to the impact of the recent El Nino storm swell + seasonal high tides at Zuma, etc. et al..... please follow along if you so desire.

*** Video Alert ! *** 

Hole In The Berm:  The Video

*** Video Alert ! ***

Pod of Pelicans: The Video


Below, Capt. John Larsen heads over the berm in front of Zuma HQ on a paddleboard workout... (x-ref: Ocean Wet Daily, Chief Randy DeGregori (Ret.)...

Exiting Zuma...

Strafing Westward and Pt. Dume...

 Enc of the road...

Flip turn completed and return trip begins...

Hey!...  who are those guys in that big red truck below?!..... on their way back from Starbucks, er, on patrol.....  :-)

..... and check out the enormous beach erosion at Corral below!...

Strafing da 'bu.....


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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