Saturday, March 12, 2016

SMS - Venice North Reconn...

Dateline: Mid morning, Saturday, March 12, 2016...  today's mission included a soft sand beach reconnaissance of both Santa Monica South and Venice North...    Check out the changes to the beach after yesterday afternoon's stunning two hour onslaught of El Nino driven rain!...

 Below, 10 minutes early for his shift at SMS Tower #20 and watching the water!  Well done, Brandon!

*** Video Alert ! ***

Navy St. - Venice Beach: The Video

On duty, Veteran LACo OL, Cheri Ellington, at Navy St., 4wd golf cart included.....

 Below, Venice Capt. Tracy Lizotte on patrol along Venice North...

Two surfers, below, paddle around the north end of the Venice Breakwater before paddling toward the other end to catch some waves.....

*** Video Alert ! ***

 Surf's Up - Venice Breakwater: The Video

Patrol completed, the Captain checks in at the Venice Breakwater with the on duty OLS...

Venice North white water!...

Returning to SMS we say hi to OLS Mike Murphy at Tower #26 who is stoked withe the state of the surf!... 

Below, back at SMS Tower #20, on duty, shovel in hand, and still watching the water!  Bravo!...

Below, El Nino storm driven beach debris...

Below, Spring Break has begun...

Some tasty waves breaking at SMS Tower #17 too...

Mission completed... we return to CSHQ where we began...

Atten Hut!...

And last but not least, Section Chief, Chris Linkletter, in her Section 4 rig on her way to Zuma... We asked her about yesterday afternoon's El Nino two hour rain storm and she told us she was in her lifeguard vehicle driving past Corral Canyon in Malibu and had to pull over because of the torrential rain and wind.


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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