Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Dockweiler, It Was!

Dateline: Saturday morning, Sept. 12, 2015, Dockweiler State Beach, the venue for the 2015 LACoFD Lifeguard Operations "Ocean Lifeguard Candidate" Swim Test (aka, Rookie Swim). Over 200 people applied to take the test with approx. 155 actually showing up for the swim.

The Results, The People... some of what you have all been hoping to see and read about... which are pleased to report and publish "Thanks to Veteran Zuma OL, Steve Hotchkiss, who took the photos and sent them to us to share with all of you!  *** Thanks Steve ! ***

The Course Map:

Image Source: LACoFD Lifeguard Operations

The Number One finisher, Chris Richardson

Second to finish, Pali High Senior, Zach Senator

In Third Place, Kelsey Cummings

Also, earning their spot and advancing to the second round (interviews) were Legacy Candidates, Shane Brouwer (40th overall)


Shane is stoked!  He's got his wooden stick that gets him into the second round!  Well done, Shane!

 and Andrew Jacobson (44th overall) made it too!

Lots of familiar faces in the crowd as well...

 Assnt. Chief Lifeguard, Fernando Boiteux with OL Steve Hotchkiss

Retired Capt. Jimmy Makuta talking with Chief Lifeguard, Steve Moseley

L.A. County Deputy County Counsel (and father of Shane), Ricky Brouwer, in his weekend t-shirt, board shorts and flip flops chatting with LACoFD Chief, Daryl Osby

Below, cousins, Sydney Brouwer and LACo OL, Kailey Makuta

This guy below in the uniform in profile and sunglasses sure looks familiar...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Steve Hotchkiss 2015. Used here with permission.)

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