Tuesday, September 15, 2015

And then it rained!...

We're not kidding.  Southern California got a good soaking of rain overnite from the early morning hours of Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2015 through and past the morning rush hour, with lots of water draining out to the ocean, swift water rescues along the L.A. River by firefighters with LAFD, flash floods inland, rain swollen freeways, etc. et al...

Check out the sand berm built up at the creek at PCH and Santa Monica Canyon this morning in the photo below, which is adjacent to Will Rogers Tower #18...

So much rain that the LACoFD-Lifeguard Operations put out their standard post rain runoff warning about ocean pollution (see photo below; Source: LACoFD - Lifeguard Operations.)


{Rain Advisory}

A rain advisory has been declared by LA County Department Of Public Health for ALL #LACounty beaches. The rain advisory will be in effect until 7AM Friday 9/18.
After significant rain fall remember ;
• Bacteria levels may remain elevated up to 3 days.
• Elevated bacteria levels in ocean water may cause illness.
• Avoid contact with ocean water for a period of 3 days after rainfall.
• Stay clear of water near breached storm drains.

Full advisory Here: http://1.usa.gov/1K3Zc6K

#LACoFD #Lifeguards
 *** Wed., Sept. 16, 2015 Photos of SMS and SMN storm water runoff...


Pico-Kenter Storm Drain runoff!...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Pico-Kenter Storm Drain Runoff: The Video


... and check out the storm drain run off under the Santa Monica Pier where there 4 - 5 foot cuts
in the sand!...


And check out the six foot plus cut in the sand at the storm drain adjacent to SMN Tower #12!!!

Below, Capt. Scott Grigsby standing on the beach above the six foot plus cut in the sand adjacent to SMN Tower #12!  Gnarly!...

*** Video Alert ! ***

SMN Tower #12 Storm Drain Runoff: The Video




"County Recurrent" News

(Santa Monica Canyon creek photo by & Copyright Will Maguire 2015.)

***   ***   ***

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