Monday, September 21, 2015

CSHQ, SMS, Pico-Kenter, and the "Fresh Water Turtle"...

Dateline: Monday morning, Sept. 21, 2015

0900 hrs: Off duty foot patrol from CSHQ, reconn of Pico-Kenter Storm Drain outfall, sand bars and inshores; continued foot patrol to SMS Tower #26 for a two tower ocean swim, with a flip turn, a photo of OLS Charlie Piccaro, and a return foot patrol back to CSHQ... Follow along if you like.....

It's been one week since the Big Rainstorm of Tuesday, Sept. 15th (aka, El Nino.01-2015/16) which dramatically changed the contours of the beach adjacent to the Pico-Kenter Storm Drain, esp. SMS Tower #20... e.g., including a vertically increasing berm, multiple sand bars and inshore holes.....

Below, check out the vertical berm from left to right that descends as it extends in the direction of SMS Tower #20 at Bay St...

Below, OLS Charlie Picarro, at SMS Tower #26...

Early a.m. commuter, below, at left...

Below, the berm from in front of SMS Tower #20 as it increases as it gets closer to the Pico-Kenter Storm Drain outfall...

Back at CSHQ, a fresh water Turtle that apparently took a recent swift water trip to the beach was handed over to Capt. Scott Grigsby by some beach patrons who found it on the beach by the water's edge and who then placed it in this container temporarily inside the compound until the animal rescue people could come by for it... which happened rather quickly because this turtle was G O N E when I finished taking a shower!...

G O N E !...

Exiting CSHQ we could find no trace of said Turtle or it's rescuers and all signs of his/her escape pointed in multiple directions.....


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2015.)

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