Saturday, September 26, 2015

Cliff Hugoboom, R.I.P.

Below, Cliff Hugoboom, in 2004 at Topaz Jetty.  Photo by & Copyright Joel Gitelson 2004.  Used here with permission.

Per Joel:  It is with a heavy heart, once again, that I bear news of a friend passing. Cliff will be missed, that is for sure...  Au revoir mon ami...

Also, per Joel, in 2004:  CLIFF HUGOBOOM- Retired LA County Ocean Lifeguard and Educator. He would shout, "BONJOUR MON AMI!" every time we would meet. Then he would light up his cigar and tell me a dirty joke. Classic friggin' act. 

From LACo OL,  Jerry Lozano:

"I remember working with Cliff at RCO between (1974-1977). We had a great crew. Our fearless leader, Ted Claire and guys like Steve Gentes, Bob Ramsey, Mike Patterson, Mike Cashon, and Jim Parker. Cliff was famous for his "Chateau De Boom-Boom". It was his homemade vino that made him the little "old winemaker" of the South Bay. We are all going To miss Cliff. My deepest condolences to the Hugoboom family.


Rest in peace, Cliff, and thank you for your 38 years of dedicated service as a LACo Ocean Lifeguard.

*** Memorial Service Announced:



"County Recurrent" News

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