Saturday, August 22, 2015

Zuma Reconn: The Photos and Videos...

Dateline: Saturday, August 22, 2015

Re: Mid morning, late a.m. reconnaissance of Zuma Beach from HQ to Trancas and back and out to visit the Baywatch Malibu rescue boat off of Zuma HQ... with our new GoPro 4 Silver water proof camera...

Gee, that dude looks familiar!?...  hint/x-ref: "Ocean Wet Daily"

Below, L2R, off duty LACo OL-ESQ, John Fletcher, and Capt. Simon Snyder (x-ref: Fletcher - Zuma Legacy OL - First Generation)

Zuma OL, Pat Volosin, returning from a paddle workout!...

Below, Banker's hours...

OLS Andrew Czer, below, training on one of the Dept's jetskis...

Capt. Simon Snyder demonstrates how to properly beach a jetski...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Simon Snyder Jetski Demo: The Video

Below, OLS Kevin Williams, checking out the size of Simon's shirt to see if it will fit him...

Rookie OL, Logan Hotchkiss, recently transferred to Zuma from SMN... shown here (below) checking the cones in his access area... this lad is soon off to start his freshman year at UCSB. Go Gauchos!...  (x-ref: Zuma Legacy OL)

Woof!... Zuma Surf Dog!...

Below, Veteran LACo - Zuma OL, Joe Decker...

Oh look who that is?!...

OLS Jaro Snopek and OL Joe Decker...

Below, I want one of these private beach club lifeguard towers when I retire some day...

Below, a Zuma OL setting up her tower for the day...

Below LACo OL, Chris Sands... this is the dude that dominated the recheck swim on the day that the undersigned took the recheck this past June!... just sayin'... (x-ref: Zuma Legacy OL)

Below, a Zuma OL on a workout heading out to take a swim...

Veteran Zuma OL Workout Technique - Rescue Can & Sunglasses in the Sand (if you did this in Central you would likely return to no sunglasses... just sayin'...)

Hey Billy!...  Below, Veteran LACo - Zuma OL, Bill Cooper

Below, Veteran and Zuma Legend, OL Dick Heinrich (x-ref: Team Zuma - Utah Division; Legacy OL - First Generation)

Veteran LACo OL, Tucker Franklin (x-ref: LACo Legacy OL)

Close up, below, of Rookie OL, Logan Hotchkiss... this shot is for his mom and dad (x-ref: LACo Zuma Legacy OL, as previously noted)

OL Tom Doman (Jr.) (x-ref: LACo - Zuma Legacy OL)

Below, hell week for the Agoura HS boy's water polo team included this day of swimming, running and calistentics... as I was talking to Tucker Franklin we discussed the rip current that this water polo team created doing in's and outs off of his tower.  This group can really swim well and fast!

Below, L2R, LACoFD Firefighter-Paramedic/Veteran LACo OL, Gene Rink; OLS Dusty Wiggins; and LACo Zuma OL, Jamie Jacobson (x-ref: LACo - Zuma Legacy OL)

Baywatch Malibu anchored at the buoy...

GoPro Field Testing - Buoy Swim...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Zuma HQ Buoy Swim GoPro Video #1

LACo OLS - Baywatch Malibu Deckhand, Pat O'Neill

*** Video Alert ! *** 

Video #2: GoPro Zuma HQ Buoy Swim - Baywatch Malibu

 *** Video Alert ! ***

•  Video #3: GoPro Zuma HQ Buoy Swim

•  Video #4: GoPro Zuma HQ Buoy Swim

Zuma Lifeguard HQ - Upstairs with the Brass and the memorabilia...

Capt. John Larson, on duty...

Capt. Simon Snyder, on duty...

Below, at right on top of deck of Tower 300 is LACo OL, Chris Barker (x-ref: Zuma Legacy OL)

Below, at left, Zuma OL, Tom Doman (Jr.) returning from a foot patrol while training LACo JG-Cadet, Sam Smith, at center... Sam will take the OL Candidate Swim in the Fall of 2016...

Below, Baywatch Malibu on approach toward shore...

 *** Video Alert ! ***

 Baywatch Malibu Drop Off: The Video

And here comes the LACo Sheriff's Helicopter...

*** Video Alert ! ***

LACo Sheriff Helicopter Landing: The Video

No kidding!...  :-)

Exit: Zuma... Thanks for the memories...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2015.)

***   ***   ***

1 comment:

  1. You cut off my name on the Zuma list of 1966... just saying... i am my own legacy..
