Sunday, August 23, 2015

Zuma II, The Sequel

Dateline: Sunday morning, August 23, 2015... had to drive back to Zuma HQ to collect the board shorts left behind in the shower yesterday... on the up side we took some more photos and confirmed some lifeguard truths...

We arrived at Zuma HQ just a few minutes after 0900 hrs... and discovered one Zuma OL still getting his beauty sleep in his vehicle parked in the Village... (x-ref: Team Zuma - Utah Div.). Those sandals on the ground outside the vehicle apparently mean: OL Off Duty; Do Not Disturb...

Below, L2R, Capt. Remy Smith and OLS Jaro Snopek

OLS, Andrew Czer, on duty... and looking like he could sell sunglasses!...

As we wandered southwest towards PDS... we kept looking back to see if this solo surfer/off duty OLS, would score a wave...

... and then she did! And in style too!...

Oh Hey!... What's that at the back of the beach?!...

It's the "Dude's Dog Shack!"...

Breakfast is served... Hot Dog, Chips and a Soda = $5 !

Below, PDS Tower #5 (aka, House Tower). OL Michael Galate, on duty, LACo Rookie Class of 2009.

Back to Zuma...  with an OL arriving for duty just shy of 1000 hrs...

OL Sam Walters, on duty...

Below, OL Chris Sands, watching the water from the shade of the deck...

Below, OL Damian Minicucci, on duty, getting his tide board set up and watching the water!...

Even the locals at Zuma bury their sunglasses in the sand...

Below, OLS Andrew Czer, on a workout surfing on a Dept. issued paddleboard out front of Tower #300 and Zuma HQ...

 And on the rail at 300, watching the water like a hawk... just like his Dad used to do, is OL Chris Barker, with hoodie on as a sunscreening device...

 Hey!... and there's that same dude from yesterday who was carrying his surfboard back to his car after a surf session, and here he having finished up a mile ocean swim with pals!... x-ref: "Ocean Wet Daily" confirmed.

Meet Bobo... our retired Chief's sidekick!... shown here illustrating the "downward dog"... literally!...

and then we noticed OLS Jaro Snopek on a workout pounding the soft sand!...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Snopek Pounds The Softpack: The Video

..... and then we departed Zuma to return home to beat the Sunday Traffic as it was now just past 12:30 pm...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2015.)

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