Tuesday, August 11, 2015

We are sure glad that...

OLS Kevin Curtis decided to wash his on duty hat!...  Wow!...

caveat:  Of course, we do recognize that Kevin works his fanny off in LR200 up and down Central Section... on and off the sand; as well as having once again served as a vital member of the Rookie School Training Staff... all of which got collected onto his sweat brow... and necessitating the sink bath above.  10-4.


And in other news today, Tuesday, August 11, 2015... along Santa Monica South...

SMS Tower #16 and the Santa Monica Pier...

Thankfully, SMS Tower #18 got another fresh coat of paint after being heavily vandalized and graphittied last week...

At SMS Tower #20, OL Taylor doing some Manuel labor. Can you dig it!...

*** Video Alert ! ***

The Wireless Lifeguard: The Video


*** fyi/information only; Re: SPY Beacon Bluetooth speaker:



OL Brandon Henry Snell, below, at SMS Tower #22, getting some help from a seagull who may have a better bird's eye view of the ocean than Brandon...

 OL Chris Ro, out of SMS Tower #24, making some preventions and separating swimmers from surfers...

Asnd then we came upon a gaggle of birds...

Naturally, a gaggle of birds presented another opportunity to test their patience and demeanor...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Bird Beach: The Video


Almost to SMS Tower #26, the wheelhouse of SMS!... and our destination for today's buoy swim...

Back at SMS Tower #20... we find OL Taylor Manuel working the hard pack and also keeping the swimmers and surfers separated...

Next we noticed a misplaced/lost Bible... just below the high tide line adjacent to SMS Tower #18... on closer inspection it appeared to be the King James Version of the Holy Bible and the page was turned to Psalms 90 and 91...

 x-ref:  http://biblehub.com/kjv/psalms/90.htm

comment: we have not as yet determined any metaphorical significance to this discovery but the next thing that we saw was the ever vigilant and smiling veteran LACo OL, John Baltz, just in the process of opening up SMS Tower #18!... and so we think that this portends that John is to be named the SMS Poster Guard Of The Week!  Congratulations, JB!  10-4.

As we continued on our walk back to CSHQ, we next came across Rookie OL, David Walters,  who is not hard to miss since he is like 6' 4" tall or more and with a mop of blond hair... and obviously still has the metabolism of a race horse (see the 2 photos immediately below for confirmation of this assessment). On schedule this summer along SMS, this Virginia Beach, VA native loves to sail.  *** Heads up to the Training Center ! *** We've got another potential candidate to work at the Dept's Sailing Center in MDR...

And finally, OL David Walters and OL Emily Fuller (out of SMS Tower #16), together watching the water and keeping people safe!...

 10-4.... That's all folks!...

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2015.)

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