Thursday, August 13, 2015

KT & The Sunshine Band...

Thursday, August 13, 2015... Recon of Will Rogers T-17 homeless encampment, PCH, and Santa Monica South...

The LAPD "finally" cracked down on the dozen plus homeless encampment of tents on the beach in back of and adjacent to Will Rogers Tower #17 that has been in place since at least June...  The photo below from approximately 11:20 a.m. this morning shows all of the overnite tents have been removed.

And its a Thursday and not yet 11:30 a.m. and the lot at the Annenberg Beach House behind SMN Tower #4 is already FULL!...

 Green traffic cones on SMS, plus portable toilets... it must the Thursday and they are getting ready for the Twilight Concert Series on the Santa Monica Pier...

Dave from Beaches & Harbors with their blue van works on replacing the stencilling on the shutters after painting over the graphitti on SMS Tower #17... 

At SMS Tower #25, L2R, Rookie OL David Walters and Rookie OL Jacob Smith...watching the water!...

KT!... aka, Capt. Kirk Thomas, on deck, at the wheelhouse of SMS, Tower #26!

KT and his Toyota Tacoma Pick up truck, lookin' large and in charge, while watching the water!...

OL Chris Newman and OL Jacob Smith, at SMS Tower #26...

Below, KT, smiling at his joke at my expense...  :-)  OK, the back story, it's quick... After finishing my buoy swim off of SMS Tower #26, OLS Rebecca Gilman asked me if I was going to work this weekend because it was going to be hot, hot, hot. So I said I was planning on it but that I would have to ask my mom... KT overheard this and said, "You still have to ask your mom for permission to work the beach"?...   and that's when I had my camera ready and snapped this photo below!...

Below, OL Rebecca at right asking me if those were my fins on the deck, which they were... and Jacob on his way to retrieve them for me before I forgot and left them behind!... Teamwork!  Gotta love it!...

Back at CSHQ... Another Stunning Summer Day!  


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by and Copyright Will Maguire 2015.)

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