Sunday, August 16, 2015

SMS • SMN • SMS: 08.15.2015.....

Dateline: Saturday, August 15, 2015.....  Texas Sized Hot Temps!... Literally!... Hot and dry... thankfully, a cool on-shore ocean breeze helped during this scorching hot day with temps on the sand reaching 84 degrees.  We arrived early, turned in our time card at CSHQ, unloaded our gear at SMS Tower #22 and then hit the soft sand and the ocean for a pre-work workout and recon of both SMS and SMN (1550 and 15)...  Here are the photos we shot along the way...  Enjoy!...

OLS Brian Kutil's watch, R.I.P...

After I turned in my time card, this lucky Captain pulled into the lot at CSHQ and snagged my killer solo parking spot adjacent to the CSHQ art installation/garden!...  I traded him the parking spot for the photo!

Below, Old School USLA "Coppertone" cardboard accordion sunshade!...  Bring it back!...

OL David Walters, pulling the early shift at SMS Tower #22.  Couldn't they get me someone faster to work with ?!...   :-)

Lots of Beach Volleyball goin' on behind T-24...

SMFD Paramedics on patrol along SMS... love having them out there to help our patrons...

OLS Rebecca Gilman riding shotgun, below, with OL Chris Newman at the wheel...

Hey Rebecca!...

The SMS Wheelhouse Crew... L2R: Capt. Julio Rodriguez, OL Chris Newman, and OLS Rebecca Gilman...

Loyola High School (of Los Angeles) Alumni Water Polo teammates, L2R: OL Taylor Manuel and OL Chris Newman, on duty at SMS Tower #26...

Another beautiful day with some fun small waves and warm, clear water...

OL John Baltz, below, at SMS Tower #20, waving his rescue can at a couple of jetskiers who are in too close to shore... with an assist on the PA from the Santa Monica Harbor Patrol vehicle just passing by on patrol...

And then we kept on heading for the Pier...

and got a shot of Justin Kirby at Tower #16... before we headed under the pier to the northside...

Below, our first glimpse of 1550 through the mass of beachgoers and umbrellas...

SMN 1550 with two OL's on duty...

And at SMN Tower #15, it is none other than the Generalisimo and Mayor of SMN 1550/15, Veteran LACo OL, Gabe Campos!...

Gabe then showed me the designs for the Summer 2015 SMN Crew t-shirt which he annually produces.

Front graphic

Back graphic

And below the back graphic, for the SMN Crew, all the names of the guards will be listed.

... and then we made a flip turn and headed back to SMS so we could get a swim in before our shift at SMS 22 began at 12 Noon...

Along the way, we said hi to and fist bumped Justin Kirby at Tower #16 and got his photo too!... Besides watching the water like a hawk, Justin is very conscientious about using sunscreen.  Good man!

Below, one of SMPD's atv's on patrol along the soft sand along SMS...

Below, OL John Baltz at SMS Tower 20.. and his reflection, pounding the hard pack, P.A. in hand, in his on-going effort to keep the surfers away from the swimmers, and vice versa...

And then our shift began and as the afternoon wore on it just got Stunning!... below the view toward Venice and Palos Verdes in the background...

... the view toward the Santa Monica Pier and the Santa Monica Mountains and Malibu beyond...

... and then it got even warmer!... and we rolled out the black ball because there were just too many swimmers in the water...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and video by & Copyright Will Maguire 2015.)

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