Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Cabrillo Flip Turn...

Dateline: Wednesday, August 19, 2015... at 0800 hrs.....

Because we had business to attend to in the San Pedro area this morning, we woke up early and motored down to Cabrillo Beach and arrived just shy of 0800 hrs... and here are the photos to prove it...

You never know who you might see when you show up to Cabrillo but it's a good bet that if you arrive early enough you will find John "Matty" Matesich... shown here (below) at the wheel, with OL (Ret.), Bob Bartlett, riding shotgun... and Matty's dory partner this morning.

These two adventurers are about to leave for Greece along with Victor Pappas and Kenny Atkins... we sure hope to see some of the photos and videos of this approaching European Vacation...

LACoFD - Lifeguard Operations Trivia:  Could this be the only functioning/working fireman's pole in use by our Lifeguards ?...

Heads up, Distance Swimmers!   The SAN PEDRO LIGHTHOUSE SWIM (a two-miler...) is happening on Saturday, Sept. 12th... apparently they put you on a boat and drop you off at the Lighthouse and then let you swim back to Cabrillo...  personally, I was thinking that I might do a buoy swim at SMS Tower #26, followed by breakfast or a nap...

Capt. Nelson busy at work... The 21st Century LACoFD Lifeguard Captain has to have multiple skill sets...

Below, an L.A. City lifeguard tower on the inside the harbor side of Cabrillo...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Cabrillo 360: The Video

Below, OLS Chris Staffield, on patrol...

Breakwater tower, below (aka, J-Lo's Tower)...

News Flash!  As we were leaving we caught up with Veteran LACo OL, Bob Bartlett, and he unloaded a bombshell... he recently hung up his lifeguard trunks... after FIFTY (50) years of service! Congratulations on your retirement, Bob!  We are also glad to see you continuing to train with Matty in the dory.  10-4.

And then we headed for our appointment and then made our way back to Central Section via PCH!... passing thru the South Bay..... including Hermosa...

and Gundo...

and the tunnel underneath LAX which brought us safely back into the jurisdiction of Central Section...

Followed by lunch to go at Benny's Tacos (on Wilshire between 9th and 10th St.) in Santa Monica... Try the Wet Burrito!  It is Ginormous!  Enough for two people... just sayin'...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and video by & Copyright Will Maguire 2015.)

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