Sunday, July 26, 2015

Will Rogers Overview at 1900 hours...

Will Rogers Lifeguard Headquarters

Dateline: Sunday, July 26, 2015... from the bluffs above Will Rogers State Beach...

We think it was veteran LACo OL, Tom Fink, who so enjoys our Will Rogers series' of blog posts that we knew it was time that we returned to the bluffs and shot some more such photos. So here ya'all go...  :-)

The view down Swarthmore Ave., in Pacific Palisades, leading to the bluffs...

Tower #8 at Temescal Cyn Road and PCH...

Tower #10... just south of Tower #8...

A lone sailboat working its way along the coast...

Check out the new Toyota trucks parked at WRHQ!  The Yellow Ford Escapes are gone.

Tower #12... nobody home...

Tower #15...

Tower #18 at  Santa Monica Canyon open for business...

Santa Monica North cameo...

Below, a BMW commercial being shot on the bluffs at the end of Swarthmore Ave...

Tower #8 again...

U-turn accomplished... and heading back to MDR...

Tower #5 adjacent to the Bel-Air Bay Club, open for business...

Tower #7, just north of Tower #8...

Check out the line-up of cars trying to get out of the parking lot at Tower #8... for those who know there are two additional exits from the parking lot... (1) there is a new exit north of Temescal and behind Tower #6; and the exit just south of WRHQ...

 A LACo OL "watching the water" from the deck of Tower #7...

LACoFD Helo fly by over Will Rogers Tower #8...

Binoculars in hand... the guard at Tower #7 watches the water!

close up... sort of...  Well done on the binos!...

Parting shot of Tower #7...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & © Will Maguire 2015.)

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