Sunday, July 26, 2015

OL Ben Francis, R.I.P.

LACo Ocean Lifeguard, Ben Francis, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly this past Tuesday, July 22, 2015 in the morning.  The photo above of Ben is from 2013 and was taken by Joel Gitelson.  Chief Steve Moseley sent out the following memorandum regarding Ben this past Wed., July 23rd.

A Cabrillo beach local and on schedule this summer there as well, Ben is shown in the next four photos on duty earlier this year during the annual Polar Bear swim held at Cabrillo beach on Jan. 1st, captured again by Photographer-Lifeguard, Joel Gitelson.

It was in 2013 that Ben was crowned King at the annual Polar Bear Swim at Cabrillo as this next photo by Joel memorializes... Indeed, it was on Jan. 1st, 2013 that Ben and his wife Theresa were crowned King and Queen.  The Daily Breeze stated that day, as follows:

The Cabrillo Beach Polar Bears celebrated the new year with their annual New Year's Swim Dip at Cabrillo Beach in San Pedro on Tuesday. Participants hit the frigid 55-degree water at noon, some going for a quick dip while others braving a longer swim to buoys anchored offshore. Participants weren't stopped by the chilly water temperature. Newly crowned 2013 Cabrillo Beach Polar Bears King and Queen Ben and Theresa Francis presided.

Our condolences and sympathies are extended to Ben's family, friends and colleagues.  May he rest in peace.


Ben's daughters, Robin Francis and Jill Francis, just announced the memorial service for their dad, as follows:   

Hello loved ones. There will be a ceremony for my Dad this Saturday (August 1st) at 9 AM at Holy Trinity.  Please feel free to share this information with family and friends who would like to join us, thank you.


Respectfully submitted,

Will Maguire,
"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Joel Gitelson 2013, 2015.  Used here with permission. Thanks very much, Joel!)

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