Saturday, September 13, 2014

The 2014 LACo Rookie Swim Test: The Photos & Videos...

Dateline:  Santa Monica, Calif. Saturday, Sept. 13, 2014.

The Top 65 Finishers go to oral interviews.  Everybody else goes home.  Epic weather: sunshine, warm water, waist high surf... and lots of family and friends on hand for a group that numbered under 300.

Warm up...

 The line up on entrants prior to the race, left to right...

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The Line Up: The Video

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The Start: The Video

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The Finish: The Video

Always like to see someone catch a wave!...

Close up of Entrant No. 229 on the wave of his life!...

No. 8 Finisher, Kirra Makuta, totally stoked!...

No. 1 Finisher, Kevin Fink, gets his picture taken at the Finish line!

LACo OL Cover Girl and Rookie Swim Gatekeeper, Taylor Spivey, hamming it up for the media...

and there he is, Entrant No. 229, who finished 57th overall and qualified for the oral interview, making it into the Top 65... and who was stoked about catching "that wave!"...  Well done to Dustin Miller, who also happens to be a 10 year veteran of the L.A. County Lakes Lifeguard Dept.

Dustin Miller (Entrant #229):
Catches a wave, √
Finishes in the Top 65, √
Gets a photo with his mom... priceless!

Kevin Fink gets a hug from his brother!...

No. 2 Finisher, Ryan Bullock, raises his arm with his finishing number.

 No. 3 Finisher, Logan Hotchkiss, below

No. 1 Finisher, Kevin Fink, with his mom and dad

Another Inscore made it to the next round!... Well done!  She is quite the paddler too!

*** Congratulations to the Top 65 Finishers! ***

And we especially want to acknowledge the LACo Family "Legacy" Candidates who finished in the Top 65 and made it into the second round for the oral interviews, including but not limited to, Kevin Fink, Logan Hotchkiss, Kirra Makuta, plus an O'Donnell and an Inscore!  Well done!


(All photos & videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2014.)

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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