Friday, September 12, 2014

September HEAT WAVE!!!...

The next four days are going to feature triple digit temperatures per the meteorologists, etc., et al...

Be careful out there.  Wear sunscreen, light clothing, a big hat. Avoid the sun if you can. Drink lots of water.

 Per the Los Angeles Times:

L.A. forecast: Stifling heat wave could break records this weekend

excerpt:  The temperature is expected to continue climbing until it peaks Sunday, when heat records for the date could be broken across the region, including downtown L.A.’s record of 100 degrees and Woodland Hills' 107-degree record set in 1971, officials said.


Stay cool out there!


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

 (All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2013/2014.)

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