Sunday, July 21, 2013

The South Swell So Far...

SMS Tower #28 at approx. 0945 hrs.
The Anticipated South Swell showed up yesterday along Santa Monica and Venice's south facing beaches.  Here are some photos from Santa Monica South which produced the expected shoulder to head high waves.  Word on the beach... from Little Dume in Malibu is that the waves there were head high and overhead with good shape.

Santa Monica South, Saturday, July 20, 2013:  Surf, Lateral Currents and Rip Currents!...

What Rip?!...  :-)

And below, at 1800 hrs, the relief guard, OL Gordon Freeman, hoofed it over to SMS Tower #28 after closing up next door at Tower #27.  Notice the perfect execution of the reverse ramp climb with bike on shoulder so that he can continue watching the water!  Gotta love that dedication to duty!  


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

The Lifeguard "UV Protection" Salad

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