Friday, July 19, 2013

Running With JG's!...

0900 hrs at Will Rogers State Beach, view from WRHQ, Friday, July 19, 2013

Dateline:  Will Rogers State Beach at Tower #15, Friday, July 19, 2013...

Jumping Jetty's, Buoy Swims, Run-Swim-Runs...  just another day in the sun, sand and surf for the LACo Junior Lifeguards of Will Rogers State Beach and Santa Monica Beach, who this morning gathered for a dual competition of events pitting the two team's A, B and C groups in some absolutely beautiful conditions, including warm water, challenging inshore holes, and some occasional 3 foot waves.

Fun was had by all with lots of lessons learned along the way, including the proper technique of entering the water from a rock jetty, navigating in and out of the surf through inshore holes, sand bars and surf.

The biggest take away for the undersigned, however, was the incredibly positive and well mannered Junior Lifeguards we saw competing.  The "A's" coached and mentored at Will Rogers by OL's Chuck Locko and Jim Darling were enthusiastic, polite and respectful to each other and their JG Instructors.  The same is true for the "C" girls coached by both Santa Monica JG Instructor, Shannon Sullivan and Will Rogers JG Instructor, Lance Keene.  And then the combined boys and girls "A" group from Santa Monica coached by OL's Steve Contarsy and Phil Loy were happy, fun loving, polite and enthusiastic.

And we have the photos to prove our point. We hope you enjoy these photos as much as we enjoyed watching the future of surf life saving having fun, learning and treating others with respect and encouragement.  Kudos all around to the parents, the JG Instructors and the kids!

Will Rogers "A" group of JG's head out for Jetty Jump!

Running with JG's!...

Will Rogers "A" JG Instructor/LACo OL, Charles Locko

JG Instructors, Lance Keene and Shannon Sullivan

L2R: JG Instructors, Jim Darling, and Dave Carpenter

JG Instructor, OL Jim Darling, telling one of his "A" JG's that he Kicked Butt in the Buoy Swim! 

JG "A" Buoy Swimmer Being Told She Did "Great!"
More Encouragement being shouted to swimmers running toward shore...

And some close ups.....

The combined Will Rogers and Santa Monica "C" Girls, lined up for their buoy swim race...

Santa Monica "A" Group JG Instructor, Steve Contarsy, with his boys and girls

That's all, Folks!...

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2013.)



Until next time.....

Will Maguire, Editor

"County Recurrent" News

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