Wednesday, June 26, 2013

No Way!... OLS Sam Bertolet is Retiring!

(OLS Sam Bertolet. Photo by Will Maguire)

Wed., June 26, 2013

Say it ain't so!... but it is!  TODAY is Sam's last day on the job!

The Sky IS Fallling!  It would have to be if Sammy is retiring!

Time stands still!...

Tectonic Plates and Seismic Shifts have already occurred and there is a NEW faultline that runs jaggedly from Will Rogers Lifeguard HQ all the way through Topanga North!

Locals and residents at the nearby Reel Inn on PCH at Topanga North are REELING!  They ran out of beer last nite as the rumor started to circulate that TODAY, Wed., June 26, 2013, a day that will live in disbelief... will be Sam's LAST DAY as an L.A. County Beach Lifeguard OLS!!!

We are in shock, to say the least! 

In the meantime, we have been granted permission by LACo Lifeguard Captain, Robert Torres, to reprint his remarks of yesterday afternoon, Tuesday, June 25th, 2013, wherein he announced and communicated that Sam will be retiring today.

From:     Robert Torres
Subject:     OLS Bertolet
Date:     June 25, 2013 5:29:12 PM PDT

OLS Sam Bertolet’s last day of work is tomorrow, Wed, June 26th.  After 30+ years as an ocean lifeguard, he is ready for new adventures.  I’ve been lucky enough to work with Sam as an OL, OLS and Captain.  He always amazed me with his pride, professionalism & dedication to our profession.  If you ever had the chance to work with him, you know he always looked for the best ways to meet our challenges.  Sam has witnessed and experienced a lot throughout his years and if you were lucky enough to work with him, you heard some of his stories.  Also, being a history buff, Sam has collected photos and stories of the lower Malibu (Topanga) and Will Rogers areas and has passed this knowledge on to all interested.

Sam, you will be missed and cannot be replaced.  We wish you the best as you embark on a new chapter in life.

Thanks again Sam!  Topanga will not be the same without you.

Robert Torres
Captain Ocean Lifeguard
LA Co Fire Department


As we regroup and wonder how we will ever be able to carry on, we must acknowledge this legendary waterman, the surfer, the paddler, the lifeguard.

(Sam in Red Fleece, upper right; Photo by Harry Varnas)

(L2R: Sam, Jackie and Terry; Photo by Will Maguire 2008)

(L2R:  Harry Varnas and Sam, above. Photo by Will Maguire 2010.)

*** Congratulations Sam! You will be sorely missed for your integrity, honesty, experience and expertise. ***

Sam, at left, above. Photo by Will Maguire 2010.)


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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