Sunday, June 30, 2013

2013 LACo Rookie School Graduation Ceremony & Festivities

Dateline: Sunday, June 30, 2013
Will Rogers State Beach, Lifeguard Tower #15

The L.A. County Fire Dept. Lifeguard Academy Candidates graduating on the date number sixty-nine (69).  One Hundred Fifty qualified at the time of the rookie swim this past October 2013. After oral interviews, background checks, plus rookie school, the final number was whittled down to just below seventy.

We began our coverage at approximately 7:30 a.m. this morning and we arrived in time to snap a few photos of the venue and to catch the rookies marching down to the beach to where the ceremony would take place at 9 a.m.


Rookie Video Alert!

*** Rookie March To The Beach: The Video

LACo Donuts!...

Academy Class #2:

 Academy Class #1:

Spectators, Parents, Family, Friends, Lifeguards.....


 More photos of the spectators, the ceremony, etc.....

The 2013 Rookie Class Stands and Acknowledges and Thanks their Parents, Families and Loved Ones...

Below, "The Legacy/Second Generation" Lifeguard Photo:

The above photo includes some illustrious names, including but not limited to, Makuta, Marich, Moore, Moryl, Meistrell, Atkins, Fink, Hopkins, Hogue, Inscore, Solberg, Gallas (Graner), Bartlett and others (not to mention Mara Silka and her mom and dad that missed the photo opp above).

Rescue Demonstration:

The Future...

Additional photos...

 And The Number One (Point Total) Rookie... Ryan Makuta!

 At left, Number Two (Point Total), and Ryan Makuta's cousin, Toby Contarsy!

That's it!  Now get to work all you Rookies!  And "Watch The Water!"


(All photos and video by & Copyright Will Maguire 2013.)


 Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

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