Friday, June 14, 2013

Herb's Memorial Shindig

The life and times of LACo OLS Herb Thacker (Ret.), R.I.P. was celebrated by friends and loved ones yesterday afternoon, Thursday, June 13, 2013, at Big Dean's in their outdoor rear patio where a crowd of some 50 - 60 people gathered to share stories and to acknowledge and pay respects to Herb.  We are sharing the photos we took so that those who could not make it can participate as well.  Many Thanks to OLS Rex Goble (Ret.), a close pal of Herb's, who hosted this event and picked up the tab for the beverages and the buffet which was a very generous gesture and for that we thank Rex very much!

 Rest in peace, Herb.


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2013. Used here with permission.)

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  1. A fun farewell. Sorry I couldn't be there. RIP Herb

  2. wow, a great shindig with multiple generations===herb would have loved that. RIP Thacker...
