Sunday, June 16, 2013

2013 Ed Perry Regatta: Photos and Videos

Dateline:  Saturday, June 15, 2013
Venue:  Ave-26, Venice Beach
Event:  The 2013 Ed Perry Regatta

Another year, Another Epic Regatta!  Photos and Videos for your viewing pleasure, courtesy of "County Recurrent".  Enjoy!

0800 hrs, June Gloom in session; view toward Ave-26 from Venice Pier...

Gnarly Inshore Hole and Rip just north of Venice Pier, esp. at low tide!...


Check out those computer skills below...

•  2013 Ed Perry Regatta: Video #1 (Announcing the Start of the 3 Lap Dory Race)

•  2013 Ed Perry Regatta: Video #2 (The Start of the 3 Lap Dory Race)

•  2013 Ed Perry Regatta: Video #3 (Eldon & Steigely In The Dory)

•  2013 Ed Perry Regatta: Video #4 (Eldon & Steigely, Masters Dory Race Finish)


LACo JG Cadets!...  The Cadets did a "Flash Run By!...

•  2013 Ed Perry Regatta: Video #5 (Here Come The Cadets!)


Go Gauchos!... just sayin'...

Below, The Ed Perry Regatta's Race Announcer....... OLS Dave Estey (Ret.)

KT drive by, below...

 Close up shots of the Cadets on their Flash Run By...

The Cadets accepted the invitation to join the Regatta Surf-Swim Event!... which was a Fantastic bonding athletic experience for all the participants.

•  2013 Ed Perry Regatta: Video #6 (Surf Swim, Pre-Race Instructions)

•  2013 Ed Perry Regatta: Video #7 (The Start of the Surf Swim) 

•  2013 Ed Perry Regatta: Video #8 (The Finish of the Surf Swim)


•  2013 Ed Perry Regatta: Video #9 (Paddleboard Race, The Finish)

The Top Two Finishers in the Men's Surfski Race, below...

The Finish Flag Drill Team!..



Lining up for the Run-Swim-Run...

False Start!...

Paddlers wake up and get to the starting line...

 Beach Flags!...

•  2013 Ed Perry Regatta: Video #10 (First Heat, Beach Flags)

And the winner was?......


American Ironman...

 L2R, below, One, Two and Three in the American Ironman!

 Women's Surfski Race finish...

 Some close ups from the Surf-Swim finish...

Men's surfski finish...

Close up of start of Surf-Swim...

Three Lap Dory Race, in progress below...

Close up shots from start of Paddleboard Race...

Close ups of Paddleboard Race finish...

And here are the Overall Race Results!  Courtesy of Capt. Robert Torres:

*** What a Great Day of Competition, Athleticism and Friendship!   Many Thanks to the Regatta's organizers, Dave Cartlidge, Robert Torres and Dave Estey.



(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2013.)

p.s. And the post-event BBQ was Fantastic as well!...

You had to get bay the Gatekeeper, Daisy, to get to the snacks inside...

Post Event Cerveza being enjoyed by our colleague from Hollywood By The Sea in Oxnard...

  We think that Dave has done this before...

 Ribs too!...

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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1 comment:

  1. Love the finish of the surf swim. All the rookies falling down in the hole and all the vets slowly going through without issue. Glad no one was hurt.
