Sunday, March 25, 2012

Venice Shout Out, March 24, 2012

Dateline: Venice Beach, Saturday Afternoon, March 24, 2012

We hope you enjoy this photo essay of our traverse across Venice Beach and the Boardwalk late in the afternoon, including sunset and dusk...

Below, we parked at the Venice Blvd. parking lot because the Venice Pier parking lot is currently under construction with only 150 spaces (approx.) available with an additional 200 spaces now unavailable... leading to a real traffic nitemare...

And so we walked on down to the Venice Pier to see who was working there...

... the construction area at the Venice Pier parking lot...

hmmm... I wonder who could be working the Venice Pier Station today...

Below, OLS Todd "Tex" Ribera filling in for another lifeguard who was out sick.

Below, Tex poses for a shot with a tourist named Carl from Houston, Texas, who was sporting a hilarious t-shirt!

Not to be remiss, Carl's better half offered to take a photo of all three of us...

Venice Beach, view north from the Venice Pier...

What a gorgeous afternoon...

We left Tex to continue to "watch the water" and we headed on back towards the Boardwalk...

... and so we say Goodnite to Venice...


(*** All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2012. All Rights Reserved.)

Until next time.....

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