Friday, March 23, 2012

Northern Section Shout Out!

The editorial staff strafed Northern Section yesterday (Thursday, March 22nd) and here are some of the photos we came back with. Enjoy!


Below, L2R, on patrol: LACo Lifeguard Captain Julio Rodriguez and OLS Joe Decker


Last but not least, we paid a visit to local Zuma Surf Shop, CLOUT, just across the street along PCH.

*** That's All Folks!...

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2012. All Rights Reserved.)

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

Service • Training • Commitment

*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

DISCLAIMER: County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

*** PLEASE forward to other Recurrents, past and present, so that we can add them to our mailing list. ***

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