Monday, November 1, 2010

It's A Whole New Seniority List !

That's right! November 1, 2010 means that there is a whole new Seniority/Hiring List for the current 2010-2011 Rating Year ! Do you know what your new seniority number is yet? If not, how come?!

The "County Recurrent" Editorial Staff stopped by this morning to survey this annual rite of passage, er, gauntlet of your future hiring potentiality..... and was happy to find that it's editor's seniority improved by seven points. File under: Woo Hoo !

While on the premises of CSHQ (aka, SMHQ), we witnessed the demonstration of some firefighting equipment, which, of course, is necessary in order to determine that the equipment is functioning properly. See for yourself in the photos below...



Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

Service • Training • Commitment

*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

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