Saturday, October 30, 2010

"County Recurrent" Presents: Boat Watch !

(Photo above by & Copyright Steve Hotchkiss 2010. Used here with permission.)

The Recurrent Grapevine and two reliable sources indicate that Malibu has yet another Super Yacht at anchor off the Malibu Pier. This time by Paul Allen (Microsoft) and his 414 foot yacht named "Octopus", which according to LACo Recurrent, Steve Hotchkiss, is bigger than "A", the Ruskie's yacht, which visited Malibu this past summer, at 390ft.

Yesterday in the early evening (Friday, Oct. 29th), Adam Sandler, first alerted us as to the arrival of the Octopus:

"This so-called "super yacht" -- dubbed Octopus -- is owned by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. It's 414' and cost new $162 million in 2003 (see photo below); it's the 11th largest in the pantheon of yachts owned by billionaire dudes around the world. It's not as dramatic as the Russian billionaire's yacht that looked like a big shoe and spent the summer parked off Surfrider, it's still ain't too shabby. The 48' Malibu Sportsman sport fishing boat is in the foreground and appears dinky (see photo below). I watched as the Octopus launched it's tender (one of seven that are onboard) off the transom and head toward the Malibu Pier. The tender boat appears to be part RHIB, and it picked up a dude off the Pier stairs and headed back to the yacht."


*** Many Thanks to both Adam Sandler and Steve Hotchkiss for keeping us all in the loop on the latest Super Yacht to visit our area. ***

And for all of our Super Yacht enthusiasts, here is a link to some photos of both the interior and exterior of Octopus:

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

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