("Surf-Skull-Sepia" by Norton Wisdom. Used here with permission.)
Norton Wisdom will be painting his music performance inspired art in Ventura, Calif. at the "Dume Room" on:
*** Saturday, April 17, 2010 at 8 pm. ***
Directions (per Norton): 456 E. Main St., Ventura, Calif. 93001. Get off the 101 at California Street.
Gabe Campos, LACo Recurrent, 1972 - present, at SMN Tower #15. Photo courtesy of Gabe. Photo by A. Martinez.

Gabe was in the 1972 L.A. City Lifeguard Department's rookie school, which merged several years later in 1975 with L.A. County. Gabe indicated that he was in rookie school in 1972 along with Mickey Gallagher, Phil Topar, Ed Butts, just to name a few. Hal Dunnigan was his rookie school instructor.
For those of you interested in reading a nice article about Gabe, you can copy and paste the linked story below into your browser:
"Cotton Candy"

(Photo by Jamie Grant. Used here with permission. Uploaded to Flickr on Oct. 17, 2009.
Per Jamie: "Cooped up at home on this dreary Wednesday, I walked down to the beach to enjoy the first rain of the season and watch the storm drains blow out their hoarded excrement (it's a guy thing) and ended up staying until darkness fell because it's just so frigging beautiful. The surf was incredible and there's some major talent carving the crests to keep the paparazzi entertained. I got to meet legendary Flickr surf photographer McShots and I was later immortalized in his photostream ;)...
I burned through an 8 gig card here but have yet to review all my images so thought I'd post one SOOC shot without doing my typical amateurish hokey pokey, no sharpening, no curves, just the natural softness... This view is south from the El Porto Jetty to the Manhattan Beach Pier, the residual rain clouds snuggling with the Palos Verdes Peninsula. A great day! Hope you had one too!!"
And Adam Sandler recently sent along the photo below and had this to say about it:
I was cleaning out some old iPhone photos today and came across this one. It was taken back in Jan (1/10) when we had those crazy high tides (7.0) and very high surf. The water went AROUND the sand berm (that had been constructed to stop just an occurrence) and flooded the Zuma HQ lot. An enterprising guard decided to have some fun in the newfound body of water.

Do with it what you will."
"Jalama". Photo by Kip Jerger. Kip reports that his group's recent Spring Surf Trip to Jalama Beach included 9 cars, and 27 people at the camp site. The picture below was taken the morning of March 29, 2010.

"Cabrillo Lights". Photo by Kip Jerger.

From Feb. 28, 2010, No. Section Recurrent Steve Hotchkiss sent us this note and four photos below:
Hello Will,
Great time to come up to Point Dume. The Coreopsis are in bloom as seen here. Use photos if you like.

And no photo collection is complete without including a few gems from retired LACo recurrent guard, Tom Thorson, below.

...and a final shot from Thorson, below, described by him as follows:
"Great South Bay - Long Island", April 2010.

*** *** ***
PIZZA (from "NY&C Pizza" in Santa Monica, Calif. on Wilshire Blvd. between 11th and 12th St.)..... which is better than it looks and it looks Great, eh?!...
(Photo by Will Maguire. January 2010.)
*** Many Thanks to Norton, Gabe, Jamie, Adam, Kip, Steve and Tom for allowing us to share their pictures and photos. ***
Until next time.....
"County Recurrent" News
Service • Training • Commitment
*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***
DISCLAIMER: County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.
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