(Photo above shows Will Rogers Tower #6, 04.28.2010.)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
We Take This Opportunity now to show you a few photos of some of the LACo beach lifeguard towers that are now showing off their painted railings as part of the current art project previously featured on this blog on Feb. 21, 2010 (and which is set forth again below, for your convenience.)
(Photo above shows Will Rogers Tower #8, 04.28.2010.)
(Photo above shows Will Rogers Tower #12, 04.28.2010.)
(Photo above shows Will Rogers Tower #15, 04.28.2010.)
(Photo above shows Will Rogers Tower #4, 04.25.2010.)
(Photo above shows the "Topanga South" Tower, 04.25.2010.)
(Photo above shows Will Rogers Tower #18, 04.27.2010.)
(Photo above shows Will Rogers Tower #14, 04.26.2010.)
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(Original Feb. 21, 2010 Blog Post, below)
(Photo above shows LACo Recurrent, Arthur Verge, Ph.d, and his bride at their reception on the beach at the Beach Club, Summer 2008. Shown here is the background is an example of one of the types of lifeguard towers (in Art's past) that will feature the works of art as discussed in this blog post. Photo courtesy of Will Maguire.)

(Sample L.A. County Lifeguard Tower that will thankfully feature works of art that beach patrons can appreciate, rather than having to look at the likes of these lifeguards, Santa Monica South, circa 1987. Woo Hoo ! Photo courtesy of Steve Hotchkiss.)
(Photo shows a handful of Ford Motor Co. Escape Hybrid All Wheel Drive and Custom outfitted L.A. County Beach Emergency Vehicles. Photo courtesy of Will Maguire.)
Unless you've been hiding in a cave or are off the grid, you've probably heard about this summer's public art project that will feature our lifeguard towers as works of art here in L.A. County. Well, this project is well underway as yesterday and recently kids and their families and others got busy painting the panels that will go up this summer and transform our beaches for a short time. We are talking about real works of Art ! (As an aside, please note that we are certainly not talking about Art (Verge) turning a lifeguard tower into (a place of) work..... not with his honey do list... Hey Now!)
Thanks to LACOLA and Eric Rose of Englander PR, we here at "County Recurrent" News have been given the heads up on the recent LACOLA Press Release, as well as a couple of news organizations that have just featured this project. So here ya go:
I. Source: Los Angeles County Lifeguard Association.
Portraits Of Hope Project To Visually Transform L.A. County Beach Lifeguard Towers

(Source: L.A. County)
Hand-Painted Art Work By Young People Facing Medical, Physical And Socio-Economic Challenges To Be Installed On Over 100 Lifeguard Towers Starting In May.

(Source: Portraits of Hope. Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.)
Los Angeles, February 19, 2010--- This summer more than 100 of the Los Angeles County beach lifeguard towers will be visually transformed as part of a massive public art and civic project conceived and developed by Portraits of Hope (www.portraitsofhope.org ) in cooperation with the Los Angeles County Lifeguard Association and Ford Motor Company.
The project and exhibition has been championed by County Supervisors Zev Yaroslavsky and Don Knabe, the Los Angeles County Fire Chief, and the Los Angeles Department of Beaches and Harbors. It involves creating and installing hand-painted artwork on form-fitting art panels on four sides of more than 100 lifeguard towers and their roof tops. Painting of the panels began last month, with installation scheduled for May. The panels will remain in place until the beginning of October.
This is a unique and truly wonderful opportunity for hospitalized youngsters and others to discover, grow and show the world their creative abilities, said Steve Powell, President of the Los Angeles County Lifeguard Association. What better way to show the world the amazing creative powers of our young people than to put their work on public display on Los Angeles County beaches visited by millions of Americans every summer, he said.
Ford Motor Company's relationship with the Los Angeles County Lifeguards started with the introduction of its Escape Hybrid vehicles in 2008. Now heading into their 3rd year in operation on LA County's beaches, the hybrid fleet has participated in 19,754 rescues and saved the county over 11,000 gallons of gasoline. The civic education and environmental themes taking place throughout the Portraits of Hope sessions are in line with Ford Motor Company's commitment to providing cleaner methods of transportation for individuals and communities.
Artist Renderings: http://www.portraitsofhope.org/projects/lifeguardtowers/about.php
In January, Portraits of Hope began daily program sessions throughout L.A. County schools, hospitals, and youth groups. Participants began to learn about public art, civic leadership, and teamwork while engaging in creative therapy. They began painting pre-designed panels, many of which in keeping with the job lifeguards do represent environmental themes. Many of the youngsters will be painting with their mouths or feet, added Powell.
Portrait of Hope projects serve as creative therapy for thousands. Portraits of Hope has provided children and adults facing cancer, burn trauma, spinal injuries, HIV/AIDS, head and brain injuries, and other serious medical problems with innovative, fun, and therapeutic activities that let them enjoy and take pride in themselves during their medical care and rehab.
"The Portraits of Hope program offers kids and adult, many of whom are dealing with the adversity of serious illness, or emotional or physical trauma, an opportunity to enrich their lives and express themselves artistically for the enjoyment and appreciation of our beach going public," said Third District LA County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky.
To meet individual needs of children and adults with disabilities, Portraits of Hope has developed specialized brushes and painting methods including telescope paint brushes for children and adults in wheelchairs or attached to IVs, shoe brushes for children and adults with injured upper limbs or who cannot manipulate a brush with their hands, and flavored mouth brushes for those with limited or no movement in their arms and legs.
Portrait of Hope's numerous bedside visits provide creative therapy to hospitalized children from toddler to 17. They are a great inspiration to these kids and to everyone else. We are extremely fortunate to have this organization serving our community, said Fourth District LA County Supervisor Don Knabe.
Information on the Saturday February 20th Event:
LA County Lifeguards, their friends and families will be painting exterior tower panels between 10 am and 4 pm at 13535 Mindano, Marina Del Rey.
Ultimately, over 5000 youngsters and others from schools, hospitals and youth groups will be involved in the project. Each participant will receive his or her miniature lifeguard tower as part of the program’s educational and art activities. All participants will be encouraged to express their views on policy issues including the environment, civic leadership, and education. This event will showcase Southern California's civic pride and give sick and disadvantaged kids the thrill and satisfaction of seeing their work adorn L.A. County's greatest asset . . . its beaches!
Previous Portraits of Hope Projects have included everything from blimps, buildings, and the New York City taxi fleet, to NASCAR race cars, tugboats, and vintage airplanes. The group's efforts have received national and international attention.
For more information contact:
Eric Rose, Englander, Knabe & Allen 805-624-0572 (Cell)
Steven Powell, Los Angeles County Lifeguard Association - 310-528-1338 (Cell)
Steve Ricci, Portraits of Hope - 310-951-5936 (Cell)
Bill Harrison, Fifteen Minutes (Ford Motor Company) 213-712-8811 (Cell)
II. Daily Breeze
By Josh Grossberg Staff Writer
Los Angeles County lifeguards, family members and children from Compton paint floral patterns on plastic panels that will be used to decorate the lifeguard towers that line the county s beaches.
For a kid who's never even been to the beach before, Patrick Ransfer sure did his part to add a little pizazz to the place. Crouching over a plastic sheet Saturday morning, the 12-year-old Compton resident carefully applied fluorescent colors to something that soon will be spread across 30 miles of Los Angeles County coastline. Ransfer was among hundreds of kids and adults taking part in an art project in Marina del Rey that will turn 150 iconic lifeguard towers into psychedelic artistic statements.
"It's fun to experience something you never did before," said the Davis Middle School student. "And of course, it's fun to paint."
The project was sponsored by Portraits of Hope, an organization with the simple goal of bringing art to the masses. Since brothers Ed and Bernie Massey started the program 10 years ago, Portraits of Hope has colorized towers, blimps and airplanes. The group even spruced up dozens of taxicabs in New York City with their distinctive loopy designs.
The work done Saturday won't be installed until May. But when it is, nobody who visits a beach from the Palos Verdes Peninsula to Zuma Beach will be able to miss it. The designs will remain all summer before they are taken down.
"We want to expose kids to large-scale civic projects," said a splotch-covered Ed Massey as he ran around coordinating things. "It's about teamwork. Kids will be part of something so iconic."
Massey credited people like County Supervisors Don Knabe and Zev Yaroslavsky, who both represent beach communities, for pushing the project along. "Without them and the lifeguards, this wouldn't have happened," Massey said of the privately funded operation.
Also joining in the fun were the guys who will spend the summer explaining to tourists what the artwork is all about: county lifeguards.
"It's fantastic," said Hermosa Beach lifeguard Raymond Koehler. His 7-year-old daughter, Savery, wound up with just about as much paint on her hands as she applied to panels. "It's really fun," said the Riviera Elementary School student. "And it makes me feel cool."
Portraits of Hope began as a way to provide creative therapy for kids in hospitals. But it has since been expanded to include just about anyone, no matter what their inspiration is. "It's just good to get out of the house," said 15-year-old Compton resident Edward Nolan. The kids from Compton came by bus along with some of their teachers. "Some of our kids will never get to the beach," said Assistant Principal Cynthia Wright. "For them, this is the chance of a lifetime."
Although most people won't see them, even the roofs of the stations will be covered with swirls of paint. But lifeguard Frank Bird was even excited about that. "Imagine being on a plane over Dockweiler Beach and seeing this," he said.
III. Los Angeles Times
L.A.'s lifeguard towers to get splashes of color
Painters young and old will lend a helping hand in a public art project that will transform beaches in Los Angeles County.

Portraits of Hope co-founder Ed Massey (above, at top, in cap), demonstrates to students how they'll paint the pre-printed panels that will go on lifeguard towers. (Photo: Al Seib / Los Angeles Times / February 19, 2010).
Until next time.....
Will Maguire, Editor
"County Recurrent" News
Service • Training • Commitment
*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***
DISCLAIMER: County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.
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I have sent this link to a number of people, particularly the other Art Commissioners up here in Spokane. This is great public art, used to promote art in the schools and the wealth of talent that exist within our societies. Congrats to LACOLA and the Dept for bringing such a monumental effort to presenting student art to literally millions of people. Awesome
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