Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Chief Scott Davey Retires; ***Curfew Imposed in Southbay !

Dateline: Monday, June 1, 2009

A large crowd of family and friends, lifeguards and the Scott Davey fanbase congregated at the Kiwanis Youth Club in Hermosa Beach, Calif. to celebrate Scott's 38 year career as an LACo Ocean Lifeguard. Shortly after this event, a curfew was imposed by public safety officials in the southbay beach communities until Scott's replacement is named.

"County Recurrent" was able to snap some photos of this illustrious event and we hope you will enjoy them.

Some Old Timers observed on the sidewalk at 1830 hrs, just south of Gould Ave. on Valley Drive in Hermosa Beach.... as the event was just starting.

The Tiki Torches are Lit, The Barbecue is Smokin' and the Front Doors are open...

A couple of early imbibing guests, L2R: Donny Souther and Kenny Atkins.

Apologies to Scott Linkletter who looks like he wants to kick my ass for startling him, at left, with Mark Lozano, at right, the latter of which is a famed veteran of all three sections including several tours of duty in Central Section where he battled the raging surf and rips and currents...

The Master of Ceremonies, Steve Moseley, doing what he does so well

The Guest of Honor, upon his arrival, at 1850 hrs, with his wife and son, followed by a couple more Group Shots upon their entry.

Some guests at the other door... leading to the FOOD, which was Awesome!, including Chief Mike Frazer, at center

A Very Rare Photo of the Infamous "Atkins Brothers", L2R: Kenny and Dan.

L2R: Scott, donning a plastic ring buoy, which is a well known forbidden floating device prohibited on LACo beaches and perhaps the unlikeliest or ironic of props to mark Scott's retirement. Scott refused to have the photo taken without Lee in the photo, thus cementing the rumor that Scott is destined for Politics (see additional photo to follow later in this presentation on this rumor...)

LACo Recurrent, Surfer, Beatnik, Poet, Entrepreneur, Kip Jerger, who also won the evening's accolade, "Best Aloha Shirt", as designated and voted by the "County Recurrent" editorial staff.

The support staff, aka, "The Bartenders", L2R: Jay Hopkins and Ivan Wilkins.

The Moseley Boys, L2R: Steve and Max !

*** JJ *** *** Johnny Joseph Sticker Sighting *** Ivan Wilkins, Bartender, S.O.L., JJ - SMC Swim Team Alum, JJ Protege, proudly wearing his "JJ ISWAMFORJJ.COM" sticker !

LACo Supervisor, Don Knabe, at center, with Mr. and Mrs. Scott Davey on either side of him, celebrating Scott's 38 year career !

The Supervisor whispering and reminding Scott that starting tomorrow at 0800 hrs he is to report to the Supervisor's office to begin his grooming for replacing Don upon his retirement...

Harold Dunnigan, center, listening intently to a real rescue story without embellishments by his colleague and comrade in arms, Wayne.

Two Chiefs ! L2R, Don Rohrer and Randy DeGregori.

Two Chiefs and a Captain ! L2R: Tom Viren, Gary Crum, and Capt. Steve Moseley.

LACo Recurrent and LACOLA Rep. and College Professor, Arthur Verge, Ph.d, at left, with Kenny Atkins (center) and Jamie Orr.

LACo Capt. Kenny Atkins, at left, with Jamie Orr, at center; and Will Maguire, at right.

Jimmy Makuta, at left, with Ted Clair.

Capt. Angus Alexander filling out the Retirement Event Log Book and smiling for the camera, which he guessed correctly upon hearing me shout out his name.

The Two Chiefs Bookmarking Charlotte Graham, S.O.L. They look so much better now with Charlotte in between them.

Capt. Tracy Lizotte, at left; with his son, Dillon, at center; with Dave Story, at right.

LACo Chick Magnet, Assnt. Chief Phil Topar, at center, with his ladyfriend, at left; and, LACo Capt. Chris Linkletter, at right.

ZUMA LEGENDS x 3 ! L2R: Jake, Greg Pfeifer and John Baker.

Harold Dunnigan, at left, with Wayne, hamming and yamming it up.

Congratulations to Scott and his family ! "County Recurrent" has no idea who can replace Scott's enthusiasm, expertise, work ethic and integrity, but we know that he has imparted his wisdom to many lucky and fortunate colleagues. In the words of Harold Dunnigan, "Scott's dedication and unique contributions to LACOLA are immeasurable. We owe him and his family many thanks."

Aloha and Mahalo, Scott !

Until next time...

"County Recurrent" News


Service • Training • Commitment

*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

DISCLAIMER: County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

***LEGEND: *** = Parody Remark Only ! No actual curfew in effect.

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