Friday, May 29, 2009

Attn: LACo Recurrents; Action Steps to Counter Proposed State Park Closures

( Photo above shows Leo Carrillo State Park, which is among the State Parks proposed to be closed; Photo source: )

Attn: LACo Recurrents

This is a two-part Informational and Action Communique to counter the proposed State of Calif. plans to close state parks, including state beach parks:

1. Courtesy of David Kupfer, May 29, 2009 7:47:33 PM PDT

Please take action now and click now to send letters to legislators and the Governor and to see the full list of possible closures and legislators (see attachment).

The Governor's short-sighted proposal will impact every California resident. It is the very definition of "penny-wise, pound foolish". Consider the facts:

FACT: The General Fund budget that state parks receive accounts for less than 1/10 of one percent of the entire state budget.

Cutting the General Fund contribution to State Parks would reduce the $23.4 billion deficit by only .25 percent.

Last year alone, there were over 80 million visitors to state parks – and all indications are that this year was going to be even higher.

FACT: For every dollar that funds the parks, $2.35 is returned to the state's General Fund through economic activities in the communities surrounding the parks.

That means eliminating all funding for state parks could actually result in the state losing over $350 million dollars in revenue and untold number of jobs.

If you can attend Tuesday's Legislative Budget Conference Committee in Sacramento, it may be the only opportunity for public testimony in front of the Legislature on this issue.

2. Courtesy of LACo Recurrent, M. Spyder Thompson
, Ph.d, May 29, 2009 5:01:45 PM PDT;
Re: "this is totally unacceptable..."

Complete List Of State Parks Slated For Closure

Posted: 7:52 pm PDT May 28, 2009Updated: 7:42 am PDT May 29, 2009
SACRAMENTO -- These are the 220 state parks, state beaches, state recreation areas, museums and state reserves that officials say would be closed under Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's proposed budget cuts:

Your attention and consideration and efforts will be greatly appreciated.

Until next time...

"County Recurrent" News

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*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

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