Monday, May 17, 2021

Audit #2: LACo OL Swim Recheck Course, May 13, 2021

Dateline: Thursday morning, May 13, 2021 at the Training Center in Manhattan Beach, Calif. This morning was the first opportunity I had after the buoy course was officially measured by the Dept. and verified as 499 meters (swim course at a four foot tide, per measurement on May 11, 2021; with an additional (approx.) 63 meters of running to and from the berm. After having swam this course the previous Saturday, May 10, 2021 when it took me shore to shore 13 minutes, I was concerned that the course was longer than 500 meters of swimming as it should take me approximately 10 minutes to cover the swim course. So... today, May 13, 2021, I ran and swam and ran back to berm in approx. 10 minutes, 15 seconds (10:15)... well under the 13 minute ceiling. #BOOYAH!... Here are the photos and videos from before and after this morning's practice swim (off duty, on my own time and expense, etc. et al, yada yada yada...) Photos and video beforehand:
Below, Capt. Horne in his vehicle with some local tips and pointers of the inshore holes and sandbars! #Bravo!
Video #1: OL Recheck Swim Course, May 13, 2021
Photos and video post-swim:
Video #2: OL Recheck Swim Course, May 13, 2021
======== And then I hit the road back to Central Section BUT NOT BEFORE coffee and a pastry at TWO GUNS ESPRESSO on Highland!... #winning
================== That's all for now, Folks! Until next time..... Will Maguire, Editor, "County Recurrent" News (All photos and videos by and Copyright Will Maguire 2021. All Rights Reserved.) *** *** ***

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