Saturday, March 27, 2021

Stories from SEA LEVEL, by Ed Vodrazka

Heads up, Ocean Lifeguards and Civilians!!!... This new book by State Ocean Lifeguard/LACo OL, Ed Vodrazka, is a great read. Highly recommended. I am reading it now on my iPad with its Kindle app. and it is a hoot. It is also profound. Goosebumps and tears too.
-------- Until next time..... Will Maguire, Editor "County Recurrent" News *** No affiliation or sponsorship of Ed's book is intended or implied. It's just a good read. *** p.s. Below, a 2008 on duty photo of Ed with mustache at Zuma from the County Recurrent archives from a blog post dated 11.05.2010... excerpt: "Below, Ed Vodrazka 2008 at Zuma - with 'stache, and who also reported that, "My wife convinced me to shave it off after 35 years." Our condolences to you and your mustache, Ed!"

1 comment:

  1. Ed is one great story teller. Looking forward to reading this.
