Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Will Rogers Junior Lifeguards: Wed., August 7, 2019

Dateline: Wednesday morning, August 7, 2019 at Will Rogers State Beach at Tower 15 with the LACoFD Lifeguard Division Junior Lifeguard program...

Below,  Veteran LACo OL/JG Instructor, Chuck Locko...

Above and below, Rookie OL, Brian Bender, opening up Tower #15...

Below, L2R, JG Instructors/LACo Ocean Lifeguards, Chuck Locko, Kelci Barnes and James Gillis...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Surf’s Up with Will Rogers JG’s: The Video

Above and below, L2R, OLS Scott DeBoer and OL Brian Bender...

*** Video Alert ! ***
LACoFD Lifeguard Emergency Vehicle Introduction 101: The Video

Below, OL Kent Morris and OLS Scott DeBoer...

Above and below, OL Brian Bender on a foot patrol...


Surfers Rule... below at this suring area next to the jetty to the left of Will Rogers Lifeguard HQ... 

And then we left the beach behind... and literally in the rear view mirror..... so that we could get this blog post up and ready for your enjoyment, review and consumption.....


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2019. All Rights Reserved.)

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