Tuesday, June 4, 2019


Dateline: Tuesday, June 4, 2019, Manhattan Beach, Calif. at the Training Center, 0700 hrs - 1500 hrs...

Donut run √

Just fresh off a shift as a Firefighter is none other than OL Dave Walters, below, arriving early for the recheck!...

Early arrivals...

Below, Veteran Zuma OL, Ed Heinrich (Rookie Class of 1965) back for another summer!...

*** Video Alert ! ***

•  "Recheck 2019: The Video"


Lunch break...

Look who is coming back from retirement?...   Not really......  Section Chief (Ret.), Scott Davey, stopped by the Training Center for some pre-production work with this Summer's Medal of Valor event.

Recurrent Quiz!  How many Heinrichs in this photo below?!...

Happy to be a C-Spine Vic!  Veteran OL, Chris Ro...

Upstairs Training Center Reconn...

OL Chris Smith, below standing...

OL Espin, waiting for his turn in the final afternoon training module...

Atten Hut!  Acting Lifeguard Chief, Fernando Boiteux in his office...

Assistant Chief, Tim Arnold, in his office.  

Escape from Southern Section......

Another recheck in the books √


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and video by & Copyright Will Maguire 2019.)

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