Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Venice Beach: Surfs Up + BeachTrash + JG's...

Dateline: At and after 8:30 a.m., Tuesday, July 24, 2018 at Ave 26 and Ave 18 at Venice Beach...

The first thing I noticed this morning walking near the water's edge was all the assorted #beachtrash that littered the sand and was left uncollected by the L.A. County Dept. of Beaches and Harbors...
The second thing I noticed was the graffiti on the lifeguard tower at Ave 26 (above).  The third thing I noticed was the set waves starting to roll through at Ave 26...

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#Venice #BeachTrash & #BigSurf: The Video

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Two Swimmers Caught Up In The South Swell: The Video


Check out the South Swell!!!...  The JG Instructors decided it was too big for the JG's so they are on their way down to North Channel which is sheltered by the MDR Breakwater...

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Venice JG's & Big Surf at Ave 26: The Video


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Ave 18 Venice Beach: The Video



... and then it was time to head to the office but not before stopping at the Aussie "Great White Venice" Cafe at Windward and Pacific, next to MOLLUSK surf shop... for the avocado toast and a flat white...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2018.)

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