Saturday, July 14, 2018

Strafing Santa Monica South...

Dateline: Late morning to noon along Santa Monica South, Friday, July 13, 2018, after finishing my off duty/civilian p.o.v. audit of the Santa Monica Junior Lifeguard program, I walked the soft sand from Tower 28 to 24 at the tower line and then back to boardwalk...

Above and below, check out the awesome soft sand entry at the main tower, Tower #26!... #Bravo!...

Tower #25 above and below...

Tower #24 above and below...

The very good and active beach volleyball players at 2400 Ocean Front Walk adjacent to Tower 24...

The cursed electric motor driven e-scooters are now an added menace on the "bike path"...  Be careful out there!... This will cause a certain increase in bike path injury responses taking up the valuable time of lifeguard resources that takes them away from watching the water...  It seems to me that the City of Santa Monica and the e-scooter companies should be adding a tax so that additional funds can be obtained by LACoFD Lifeguard Division so that additional staff can be hired to handle these increased calls.  Just sayin'...  Adding electric motorized vehicles to the bike path is a recipe for disaster!... add to that aggressive skateboarders and children on bicycles...

Above and below, the AQUASURF day camp...

The OL at Tower 27 on patrol, above and below...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2018.)

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