Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Off Duty JG Audit, Will Rogers State Beach: July 11, 2018

JG "A" Group participate in a run-swim-run drill...
At and after 9 a.m., Wednesday, July 11, 2018 at Will Rogers State Beach, adjacent to Tower #15, while off duty as a civilian... I observed the venue for and some of the day's activities of the summer Junior Lifeguard program...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Keene Paddleboarding Skills: The Video

Below, beach trash collected along the berm between Towers 17 and 15... Please pick and throw away beach trash. Thank you.

Trademark trivia below:  "Simply Balanced™" Black Cherry Sparkling Water, ironically simply balanced here in the hands of one unnamed JG Instructor...

JG "A" Group's next drill will be CPR...

That's it... and as we hit the road, the area vehicle piloted by OLS Scott DeBoer, with wingman OL, Kent Morris, proceed to a bike path injury just south of Tower 15...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and video by & Copyright 2018 Will Maguire.)

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