Wednesday, May 30, 2018

2018 Ed Perry Memorial Regatta: Saturday, June 9th, Venice at Ave. 26

Just in from David Cartlidge...

The Regatta is Back!...

And get this !...

There are 3 Key Reasons To Show Up:

(1) They will be giving away a pair of DMC Repellor swim fins, an $80 value, to the winner of each event. 

(2) Each participant gets a free long sleeve T-shirt, and

(3) there is NO ENTRY FEE. It's FREE... 


"County Recurrent" News

Keeping the recurrent ocean lifeguard "in the loop" whether he/she likes it or not!  #woohoo

Extra Credit Content... "County Recurrent" file photo of DMC Repellor fins at SMS 26.

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