Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Thanksgiving Eve 2017: SMN - SMS - SMN Reconn

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!...

Dateline: At and after 4:30 pm, Wednesday late afternoon, November 22, 2017 from the bluffs above SMN, the Santa Monica Pier, and back along the bluffs above SMN..... including a screaming siren Code 3 run (x-ref: Video Alert!) by the SMN Captain heading north along SMN to Tower #4 for what I have no idea but it might have been a stingray because one of the vehicles apparently transported someone to the parking lot behind Tower #4... true story maybe.....

 *** Video Alert ! ***

Santa Monica North, Thanksgiving Eve 2017: The Video


Below, nice trash collection by the City of Santa Monica... #Not!

*** Video Alert ! ***

SMN 1550 and 15: The Video

Santa Monica South, below...

 *** Video Alert ! ***

SMS: The Video


A Starbucks is going in next to the Pier on the south side along the boardwalk...

Just north of the Pier and between PCH and the boardwalk, the City of Santa Monica is working on its rain water recapture project...

and then its back to the bluffs above SMN...

Above and below, SMN Tower #12 is open...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Code 3 on SMN: The Video

Below, just to the right of middle frame in the distance is SMN Tower #4 with two lifeguard vehicles with flashing lights on...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Reconn of SMN Tower #4: The Video

And whatever went down has concluded at Tower #4...

*** Video Alert ! ***

10-7 At SMN Tower #4: The Video

Life has returned to normal at SMN Tower #8 with the area vehicle back at the tower...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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