Sunday, September 24, 2017

Spy Photos - Baywatch Reconnaissance: Sunday Afternoon, Sept. 24, 2017

Dateline: Sunday afternoon along Santa Monica South at Ocean Park, adjacent to Lifeguard Tower #26... after returning from the annual Abbot Kinney Festival in Venice, I noticed one of the LACoFD Lifeguard Division Baywatch rescue boats heading toward the Santa Monica Pier and a few minutes later returning back in the direction of Marina Del Rey...  On board, 3 VIP's, in addition to the Boat Captain and deckhand.....

Below, cameo at SMS26 by OLS Ryan Berry waving to Baywatch...

and there they go.....

... and here they are again.....

Below, Baywatch stage left, Pelican stage right...

Meanwhile, watching the water at SMS24 is veteran LACo OL, Chuck Locko...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2017.)

1 comment:

  1. Capt Oli O'Connell at the helm of Baywatch del Rey with OLS Sean Kennedy.
    Chief Boiteux, CEO of Life Saving Victoria Nigel Taylor, and myself discussing the 25th Wieland Shield Educational Exchange Tour to head Downunder in January 2018
