Monday, September 4, 2017

Labor Day Highlights Along SMS, Venice North and the Venice Boardwalk...

Dateline: Monday, Sept. 4, 2017, aka, LABOR DAY 2017...

DONUTS?!...  No thanks, oh well, maybe just one. Thanks!  :-)

SMS 24, OL Emily Fuller, on duty...

Below, on a workout before his shift, Rookie OL Misa Acosta, with his Churchill® fins in hand...

Baywatch Santa Monica at the buoy off SMS 26, below...

SMS OLS Ryan Berry, on duty, standing tall on the rear bumper...

Below, L2R, OLS Ryan Berry with OL Charlie Patch...

SMFD Med Cart, below, at left, on patrol along SMS...

Below, L2R, OL Chris Ro and OL Brandon Leon...

OL Charlie Patch on a rescue and blazing thru the knee high in shore surfline...

Above and below, OLS Berry and OL Patch, making a great team effort and saving two lives in a rip current off of SMS 26...  Cameo above by OL Brandon Leon with raised rescue can.

On to Venice, below...

At Navy St., below, L2R, OL Macy Mullen, OL Ryan Makuta, and OL Wadley...
comment: Ryan needs to start working out more, don't ya think?!...  :-)

OL Elle Quane, on duty at the Venice Breakwater, watching the water...

Baywatch Santa Monica temporarily on standby at the Breakwater...

Ave 19 below...

Bike path injury beside Venice Boardwalk...

Below, OL Macy Mullen at Navy St., watching the water from the deck...

Back to SMS, below... OL Chris Ro, on deck, with binoculars in hand, watching the water...

At Tower #26, OLS Berry is busy watching the water as well, also with binoculars...

Busy Labor Day at SMS Tower #24, below, as observed with my telephoto lens from the parking lot...

VW Camper Van cameo below...

There they go again... Baywatch Santa Monica, helmed by Capt. Steve Powell, along with Deckhand OLS, Sean Kennedy...

Back and forth... Baywatch Santa Monica is all over it backing up rescues, etc. et al...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2017.)

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