Saturday, August 26, 2017

The 2017 Slippery Dick Haddock Race Results, by OL Steve Hotchkiss

Event Flyer 2017

*** Courtesy of OL Steve Hotchkiss! ***

Lt. Dick Haddock (Ret.) front and center

Hello Will,

The Slippery Dick Haddock race was held yesterday (Thursday evening, August 24, 2017) with a good showing of competitors young and old. Lt. Haddock was in attendance. It was a close race that came down to three racers in the front. OL Thomas Ryan took first. Italian triathlete and former Malibu Seawolves swimmer Gianluca Purzer took second. OL & ER MD Kyle Brook's held a strong and impressive third place.

Steve Hotchkiss

Top three L to R
Kyle Brooks 3rd
Thomas Ryan 1st
Gianluca Purzer 2nd

*** Many Thanks to Steve for sharing his photos and the results with all of us! ***


x-ref:  "The Dick Haddock Race, by Bob Janis



Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Steve Hotchkiss 2017. Used here with permission).

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